
Sometimes we fail to live up to people's expectations, but when something goes wrong, at Interact/Evangeliska Frikyrkan (EFK) we strive to address shortcomings and learn from mistakes. If you have a complaint, you are welcome to get in touch with us through the contact channels below. It's fine to be anonymous, but if you want feedback, we need your contact details.
Complaints about churches or church employees and etc.
EFK's churches are independent, so if your complaint concerns something that happened in an individual EFK congregation, you should first contact the congregation directly. List of EFK churches and contact information.
If you want to contact someone outside the church in question, for example if you have been abused in a local parish context or see unhealthy leadership, you can contact Anna-Lena Thoursie or Markus Sand in EFK's board of trustees, who work under confidentiality:
Send e-mail to Anna-Lena Thoursie.
Send e-mail to Markus Sand.
If your complaint concerns another part of the EFK family (for example one of our schools), you should also contact them directly. If you are unsure who to contact, you can get help from EFK's reception, by e-mailing our info desk or by telephone +4619-167600.
Complaints about EFK/Interact, its employees and elected representatives
If you have general views on EFK's activities, you are welcome to contact EFK's mission directors, regional directors or other managers. Contact EFK.
If your case concerns suspected irregularities within any part of EFK's organization, by any employee, intern, volunteer or elected representative connected to EFK's organization, or with any of the international partners with whom EFK has cooperation agreements, you can submit a formal complaint using the form below, or by e-mail to our complaints e-mail. This may apply if you have concrete suspicions of financial irregularities or corruption or if someone violates the values and policies that should pervade EFK's operations. See current guidance documents for EFK. (Swedish)
If you represent a partner organization, a complaint can also apply if you believe that EFK violates partnership or project agreements.
Complaints submitted through the form below are received by the Communications Manager on duty and are then processed according to EFK procedures for handling complaints. You have the option to submit your complaint anonymously, but if you wish to receive feedback, you need to enter your contact details. These are treated confidentially and will not be passed on to anyone without your consent.
If you do not want to submit a written complaint but only verbally, you can call EFK on phone +4619-167600. Then ask to speak to the Communications Manager and mention that it concerns a formal complaint.
Form for submitting complaints
Whistle blowing
If you yourself are an EFK employee or other work executor for EFK (for example, job seeker, elected official, intern or volunteer, temporary staff, self-employed, consultant), you have special protection under the Swedish Whistleblower Act. It applies if you want to report serious misconduct in the operations or irregularities committed by a person in a senior position. The misconduct must be of public interest. You can read more details about the Whistleblowing Act at the site of The Swedish Work Environment Authority. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Please use the form below. If you would rather report verbally, you can contact your manager or the HR manager.